October is opal month

By October 6, 2020March 18th, 2021Member News, Public News

October is opal month
Sorry for the delay in sending out the AGM as we had a problem with the associations web site delivery system.
Winton show
A soft opal show was held in Winton and the mood was positive. There was a film festival in Winton the same time and the town was too crowded. I didn’t see any high end material but most sellers seemed pleased with their sales an there was a variety of goods on display.
At the AGM we allocated a $1500 donation the QLD small miner’s council. This was for an add campaign on QLD tv. If you go to the link you will see a copy of the add
We have received an application for membership from Isaac Andreou. If anyone object to him being a member please notify me in writing.

Kind Regards

Paul Sedawie