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Opal Association AGM minutes

By Member News


QT Hotel level 1 Mezzanine

5th August 2022  8 am


Paul Sedawie, Wayne Sedawie, George Christianous, Yanni  Athanasiadis, Ruth Benjamin Thomas ,John Mc Dondald  Damien Cody ,Mario Ikasovic, Sally Patel


 Chris Gawthorpe, Patrick Ujszaszi

Meeting declared open by the Chair at 8 pm: 

Treasures report:

Opening bank balance                    $30,792.44

Membership fees                            $  2708

Insurance                                            $   550

Silvia Palmero admin                      $   700

Bank balance 30/06/22                 $32,050.44

We supported the ODJAA opal show at Lightning ridge to amount of $ 1500.

Paul Sedawie moved it to be accepted and seconded by John Mc Donald

President’s report

 The association has been inactive the last 6 months. This will be my last year as the association needs new blood and direction. Hopefully some younger members will take up the challenge.! 

However we were still active contacting gem labs who issued false or misleading certificates and shared some listings on our face book page. We also made a submission to the QLD govt through QBOA as  there are no new claims being registered in QLD including opal and sapphire fields. The boulder industry in QLD was valued at 7 Million dollars but we disagreed with this figure and mentioned the value adding it does to local areas.

 I did a trip out to White Cliffs where new prospecting is not allowed and many miners were fined for breaches of the mining act.  It appears to be going the same way as Mintabie as govt dept are exerting pressure on the miners.

The Opal Association bank account was frozen for a few weeks, so I had to do two trips to release it. The age of compliance is here.

The main goal this year is to finish the opal certificate test and re design the web page. This is what many members have asked us to do, as this will increase membership. Membership numbers have dropped, and we understand it has been a difficult year for many members.

Moved by Wanye Sedawie seconded John Mc Donald

Election of office bearers:

President Paul Sedawie

Vice President Yanni Anathasiadis

Treasure Sally Patel

Secretary George Emmanuel Christianous

Publicity officer. Edmond Lahoud

Paul Sedawie moved we accept the same team as last year as all re stood. Seconded Yanni Anathasiadis motion carried.


Opal classification. We were bought up to date by Ruth Benjamin Thomas. Ruth mentioned the submission had been de railed by comments from JAA. So CIBJO has told us to get our act together and re- submit it .We are hoping to work with the new members of JAA to finalize this.

Opal certificates

Discussions were held about the opal association issuing certificates of authenticity. Ruth mentioned we should include the new classification when doing the test.  Questions were asked about how to administer and check members certificates. Legal advice has been received making members responsible for what they issue. The test to be allowed to issue certificates will not be easy as we will keep a high standard. The feedback from members is the test will require some study and a high degree of knowledge of what treatments there are available.

Sadly, Andrew Cody passed away with a farewell in Brighton. Victoria last week. There were many stories about his superhuman abilities in regard to entertaining and then doing gems shows. There were many people from the opal industry who were touched by the passion he had for the industry and for living. Andrew will be missed but remembered by many. Our condolence’s to Damien and his family.

Meeting was declared closed at 9am


By Member News

To our members

There will be an Australian Pavilion in the Bangkok show on the 7th to 11th of September.

5 Australian companies have expressed interest and there are 3 booths left.

For enquires contact Sally Patel on 0419 785 454 asap if interested.

This show has been made tax free for exhibitors-check with Sally Patel.

I was in Bangkok 3 weeks ago and I was surprised how positive the sellers were in JTC building-apparently, they are getting a reasonable number of Chinese customers stocking up even though they have to isolate on their return to China.  If Thailand gets its act together this could be a strong show in Asia.

Thank you Paul Sedawie

Membership Fees are now overdue

Memberships where due on the 30th June 2022.

You can make payment via PayPal by logging into your profile@

You can download the invoice below if required

Disclaimer Note We forward all emails received for the Opal association to all members as a matter of course. This does not mean we support or endorse the product /message and suggest members do their own due diligence and checking