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By Member News


to be held at

25 surfers av

Mermaid Waters

QLD 4218

7 May at 1 pm



This is the same as our last agenda but as we didn’t have a quorm we couldn’t hold the meeting.


-As we have the Australian opal trail listed in the Tucson opal advertisement and our web site also listed should the association make a contribution of say $ 600 to the advertisement cost as all members will benefit.


-Should the Opal association  purchase the opal pack from Cody opals. This could be used for education purposes and display. The cost is 5000 usd. There is still a strong demand for members wanting to do there own certificates and we could use this kit to test members before allowing to issue certificates with a strong legal disclaimer.


-The smart chart dosent seem to be available-should we make up our own chart as there is a demand from jewelers ect world wide.


-General business


Discussion as to the progress on the new nonmenctulure.

Members are welcome to stay for coffee and show stock to other members.

New members

We welcome new members and if any one has a objection please notify me in writing.

Rod Griffin  sponsored by P Sedawie

Yuka Hatano sponsored by P Sedawie


Kind Regards


Paul Sedawie

President of the Opal Association


By Member News

Please see Flyer attached


Opal Flyer – Final


Disclaimer Note We forward all emails received for the Opal association to all members as a matter of course. This does not mean we support or endorse the product /message and suggest members do their own due diligence and checking.


By Member News


Everledger is a  company that has pioneered the new block chain technology to track gem stones from the field to the consumer. They were founded in 2015 and have already processed over 1.6 million diamonds in this manner. There goal is also to track minerals metals wine ect with savings  to be made on fraud ,money laundering and insurances.. We should be aware of such new technologies as they could affect our industry not now but in the future. The negative side is that big business could control this technology  and influence governments who like more security of industries and then only ethical certified companies could for example be allowed to export into the USA. For those members involved in internet business would already be aware of moves by companies like PayPal ect  to ask about ethical fair trading,money laundering policy’s ect.

How ever it could be a great marketing tool for our industry if we encourage members to get involved. We have had brief discussions  with Everledger and they have said verbally that they will accept stock that the Opal Association certifies including location. There is of course a lot more discussion to be had and it may not be suitable for all members but it is worth visiting there web site.   It will be something we cant ignore in the future.

Disclaimer Note We forward all emails received for the Opal association to all members as a matter of course. This does not mean we support or endorse the product /message and suggest members do their own due diligence and checking.