Opal Association meeting
14 December 2017
25 surfers av
mermaid waters qld
1.30 pm
-As we have the Australian opal trail listed in the Tucson opal advertisement and our web site also listed should the association make a contribution of say $ 600 to the advertisement cost as all members will benefit.
-Should the Opal association purchase the opal pack from Cody opals. This could be used for education purposes and display. The cost is 5000 usd. There is still a strong demand for members wanting to do there own certificates and we could use this kit to test members before allowing to issue certificates with a strong legal disclaimer.
-The smart chart doesn’t seem to be available-should we make up our own chart as there is a demand from jewelers ect world wide.
-General business
Note this meeting was meant to be held in Sydney but i have to have a kidney stone removed a few days earlier and i doubt if i can travel-[its a 10 carat gemstone that needs to be jack hammered out}.
New Members
We welcome the following new members-if any member has any issues with them please write to me.
Justin Thomas -Black opal
Rod Griffin- Rod Griffin opals
Natassa Patel-Gem certify
Broken River Mining
Note this meeting was meant to be held in Sydney but i have to have a kidney stone removed a few days earlier and i doubt if i can travel-[its a 10 carat gemstone that needs to be jack hammered out!}.
Kind Regards
Paul Sedawie
President of the Opal Association